How To Ease Sciatic Pain and Keep It From Coming Back

Here at the clinic we work with clients everyday to help ease the pain caused by sciatica. But even once the pain and gone and the injury has healed, most people still have a nervousness or worry that any wrong movement may set it off again.

That worry keeps them from participating or enjoying the activities that they used to love. It’s the reason that it’s so important not only to help our clients ease sciatic pain, but to build CONFIDENCE in their bodies ability to handle the activities they love.

In this article we discuss what you can do to ease sciatic pain and keep it from ever being an issue again

1) Find Your Directional Preference

Majority of sciatic pain is caused by damage to ‘discs’ that lie in between each individual vertebrae. Like a jelly donut, our disc gets ‘squished’ and the ‘jelly’ can put pressure on nerve roots that cause pain down the leg. Working with a professional, what you can actually do is find movements that actually work to pull that ‘jelly’ back under the disc and take pressure off the nerve root - significantly easing the pain you are experiencing.

At Evolve, our sciatic pain specialists can work with you to find the movements to get you out of pain quickly and effectively.

2) Learn Movement Patterns

How we coordinate our movements is BY FAR the most important thing to correct. How we lift, bend, sit, or stand all puts pressure on the discs causing our sciatic pain and all it takes is one wrong movement to get right back to where we started.

At Evolve, our sciatic pain specialists take the time to teach you how to move in a way to prevent the pain from coming back and get back to all of your favorite activities.

3) Build Strength

When our bodies are not strong enough to support our daily activities - more force will go through the spine and over time - lead to another round of sciatic pain. Learning how to keep our muscles engaged and build the strength needed till take pressure off our discs is vital in making sure our sciatic pain doesn’t come back.

At Evolve, our sciatic pain specialists build a plan specific to you so you know EXACTLY what you need to do to build the strength required to keep sciatic pain from coming back.

By finding your directional preference, improving movements, and building strength you can make sciatic pain a thing of the past. Our specialists at Evolve Performance Healthcare can help you every step of the way.

Are you suffering from sciatic pain? Download our free report to learn what you can do to ease sciatic pain without painkillers or having to see the doctor

We Help Adults 40+ Build The Strength And Confidence To Put An End to Sciatic Pain So They Can Continue to What They Love - Without The Use of Pain Pills, Injections or Surgery.

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