Root Causes Of Knee Pain Most Commonly Overlooked By Your Doctor


The traditional approach to treating knee pain is NOT working. Pills and injections only mask symptoms and lead you closer to surgery. Therapies alone provide temporary relief but the pain always comes back. When these traditional approaches to treating knee pain fail - most people are being told it’s because of their arthritis, there’s nothing that they can do, and they should just give us their favorite activities all together. NOT TRUE.

Today we’ll cover the root causes of knee pain often overlooked by your doctor so you know exactly what to do to over come knee pain, keep active, and feel confident in your knee’s ability to do what you love.

Movement Patterns (How You Move)

How you coordinate movements to perform basic tasks like sit, stand, bend forward, lift, etc. all impact how much force gets delivered to your knee. Improper movement place more more force at the knee which, over time, leads to knee pain.

Learning how to hinge, lift, squat, sit to stand is VITAL to overcoming knee pain and often not addressed by your doctor.


Mobility (How Much Movement You Have)

The knee is impacted by the joints above and below. Limitations in ankle and hip mobility/flexibility can lead to more force at the knee…over time leading to more knee pain. This happens more directly when stiffness in our ankles causes more force being transferred up to the knee with each step. Or indirectly, by causing movement compensations, that lead to more force at the knee and over time leading to more knee pain.

Assessing ankle and hip range of motion is important in putting end to knee pain and need to be included in your treatment plan.


Strength (How Well You Control Your Movement)

Our body needs to be strong enough to support our lifestyle. When our muscular stabilizers fail to do their job, all the force will go to our more passive stabilizers (like our joints) which, over time, lead to pain and dysfunction at the knee. Having adequate strength protects our knee joint.

Protecting your knee by SAFELY building strength is 100% a required to overcoming knee pain and getting back to doing what you love. Bec

At Evolve Performance Healthcare, we’ve helped 100’s of adults keep active, strong, and doing what they love - even when nothing else has worked.


By taking the time to assess and address how you move, how much movement you have, and your ability to control that movement we are able to overcome knee pain - even when you doctor has told you there’s nothing you can do or that you need surgery. If you have questions about your specific cause or want to see if this approach is right for you - schedule a time too speak to one of our knee pain specialists at the link below.

Knee pain keeping you from being as active as you would like? Click the button below to claim your free knee pain report and get back to doing what you love.

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We Help Adults Aged 40+ Become More Active and Strong, So They Can Continue to Do What They Love - Even When Nothing Else Has Worked.

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