Why Stretching Can Actually Make Your Sciatic Pain Worse


Sciatic pain is easily the most commonly searched term that leads people to find our clinic. Unfortunately, the word ‘Sciatica’ has become an over generalized term that has come to refer to ANY sort of back and leg pain. The problem is that there are A LOT of things that can cause back and leg pain. In fact, MAJORITY of what people call sciatic pain’ isn’t caused by your sciatic nerve at all.

This confusion leads people to scour the internet for the best sciatic pain stretches, unaware that there are many conditions that stretching sciatic pain can actually make your pain WORSE. Which is why in this weeks article we look at when you should, and shouldn’t, stretch for your sciatic pain.

When NOT To Stretch Sciatic Pain

Majority of people with sciatic pain have damage to the ‘discs’ that lie in between each individual vertebra. Like a jelly donut, our disc gets ‘squished’ and the ‘jelly’ can put pressure on nerve roots that cause pain in the butt areas and pain down the leg. In these cases, the cause of sciatic pain isn’t a tight muscle….and overstretching can even make the condition worse.

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When It’s OK to Stretch For Sciatic Pain

Actual irritation of the sciatic nerve happened with a much less common condition called ‘Piriformis Syndrome’. This is caused when a tight piriformis muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve and causes pain/numbness/tingling down the leg. In this cause, finding a stretch to loosen the piriformis muscle is a great way

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Understanding the cause of your sciatic pain is VERY important because it will determine what treatment is best for you. If you treat your discs like you would your sciatic nerve – you may end up in MORE pain and visa versa. If you have questions about your specific sciatic pain, set up a

Are you, or someone you know, worried about sciatic pain? Click below to claim your 100% Free Report and learn how to ease sciatic pain without pain pills, injections, or surgery.

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"We Help Adults Aged 40+ Overcome Sciatic Pain and Keep Active and Strong So They Can Continue to Do What They Love - Even When Nothing Else Has Worked.”