Three Ways You Can Benefit from At Home Therapy Sessions With Our Pain Specialists

When our circumstances change, we have to change. No need to panick.

Our services have always been about more than getting someone out of pain. They’re about having life changing impacts for anyone that walks through our door. And that can be accomplished in the clinic, at home, or on the freaking moon - it doesn’t matter. If you are looking to change your current circumstance to be more comfortable, get more focus clarity, and accountability, and just feel better about yourself and what’s going on in the world around you - we can help.

Today we cover three ways you can benefit with our At-Home Therapy Sessions with our Pain Specialists.

1) Getting RELIEF from aches and pains

One of the things that has become glaringly apparent since the stay at home order was put in place - is that more people are reaching out with questions about their back pain.

Maybe it’s because we’re spending 6+ hours sitting on an uncomfortable chair and awkward table height in our at our make-shift home office. Maybe it’s because in our well intentioned attempt to keep active, we’re adding in activities that our bodies aren’t quite ready for. Or maybe it’s simply because we have more free time to really take notice of that consistent, nagging back pain that is usually so easy to ignore in our busy lives.

The beauty is we are still able to show you how to find relief from the comfort of your own home. During your At-Home Sessions our experts will work with you to find the best ways to get you relief immediately.

2) Getting Focus, Motivation, and Accountability

We recently finished an at-home session with someone currently going through one of our ‘At-Home’ programs and the first thing she said when we hopped on the call: “I’m thankful for these appointments because they keep me accountable.” We’ve been doing this long enough and know. You’re in pain and looking at exercises on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, wherever to help. You’re trying a routine from 3-5 different ‘experts’ that kind of ‘try-out’ way and become disillusioned when they don’t work.

One of the most important things our specialists provide , whether in person or at home, is providing the focus, motivation, and accountability to help you stay active, strong, and doing what you love.

3) Feeling Better About Yourself

It’s easy to get down on yourself when you’re left with too much time. You’re on your phone and feeling like you aren’t being productive enough as some random person on the internet. You feel guilty because you didn’t get that workout in that you said you were going to do. It’s a normal part of human nature and it can really get to you if you don’t do anything about it.

Working with experts who understand your goals, your situation, and create plans that bring focus, clarity, and certainty to helping you reach goals, will give you a sense of accomplishment that will ultimately lead to you feeling so much better about yourself and the situation we’re currently in.

Let’s Get Started…

Evolve Performance Healthcare helps adults stay active and strong so they can continue to what they love - even while they’re stuck at home

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