Top Three Health Benefits of Strength Training for Anyone In Their 40's, 50's, or 60's

Strength training isn’t just about ‘being in good shape’ anymore.

Did you know that between the ages of 24 - 50, our muscle mass decreases by 5-10%? After the age of 50 our muscle mass will decrease, on average, by about 10% per decade? Or how about that if we do nothing, our bone density will decrease with age by about 6% per decade?

Which leads to more arthritis, more osteoporosis, osteopaths, and bone fractures, and even more daily aches and pains. This is the reason why it’s so important for us to bring strength training out of the gym and into the clinic.

In today’s article we cover the top three health benefits of strength training for anyone in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s.

1) Manage and Preventing Arthritis and Joint Pain

Joint pain is the result of too much force going through an individual joint. This only happens when our bodies aren’t strong enough to support the activities that we love to do. If we’re a hiker or runner and our bodies aren't strong enough to support those activities, we will experience ankle, knee, or back pain (it’s just a matter of time).

Overtime, too much force through these joints will lead to abnormal bone growth (also known as arthritis). Which means to reverse the course of arthritis we need to prevent too much force from going through our joints. And the ONLY way to do that is to get STRONGER.

And that’s the reason each treatment plan at Evolve comes with it’s own custom movement and strength program. Because our concern is SOLVING issues, not to simply help you live with an issue for the next 10 years.

2) Improving Bone Density and Osteoporosis

You might think of your bones as moving or changing much, especially once you’re done growing. But they’re more dynamic than you think. They adapt and change over the course of your life through a process called bone remodeling.

In fact there is a law in the manual therapy world called Wolff’s Law which states that our bones will adapt according to the demands placed on them. Which means by lifting heavy objects (strength training) your bones will adapt and strengthen over time to improve bone density. Likewise, if you don’t place any demands on a bone, the bone tissue will weaken over time (leading to osteopenia).

Which is why it’s even more important to work with strength experts, like those in the clinic, to SAFELY build a strength program that is custom fit to your goals.

3) Increase in Quality of Life

How much is it worth knowing that you can go on your favorite walk or hike and not be dealing with pain for the next 3-4 days? How waking up with each morning with less aches and pains? Of being able to do all the things that you love to do? How about the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction in knowing that you took steps to actively improve how you experience your world?

These are the REAL benefits of strength training and how our clinic makes LASTING IMPACTS in how people experience the world around them. It’s about a lot more than pain, it’s about being able to enjoy your outings with your friends. Being able to get up and down from the ground while playing with your grandchildren. Not having that concern and worry in the back of your mind that keeps you from truly enjoying the things that you love to do.


With that said it’s important to note that there is a BIG difference between strength training around pain and simply training. And that if we’re not strength training the right way, we can actually cause MORE pain, more aches, more soreness.

Which is why if you’re currently in pain, it is highly recommended to work with experts, like those at Evolve Performance Healthcare. Our pain free fitness specialists work everyday with people like you, who know they want and need to improve their strength and want to work with experts who understand how to that SAFELY.

Evolve Performance Healthcare helps adults stay active and strong so they can continue to do what they love and stay out of the doctors office. Our pain specialists combine the benefits of traditional therapies with custom strength programs specifically created to help you reach our goals.

If you’re interested in learning more we would be happy to talk. Pick which option is best for you.