Three Keys to Overcoming Knee Pain So You Can Enjoy All Your Favorite Winter Activities

One of the best parts about winter is all the activities available to us….especially here in Portland. Skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross country skiing are all within a few hours drive. They’re a great way to get out with friends and enjoy getting outside - which is why it can be so frustrating to miss out on those activities because of knee pain - or fear of further aggravating an old knee injury

In this weeks article we discuss the three keys to overcoming knee pain so you don’t have to miss out on your favorite winter activities.

1. Building Strength

Pain around the knee is almost NEVER caused by a problem at the knee. It’s usually the result of muscle weakness or imbalance elsewhere in the body that leads to abnormal forces at the knee. Which is why most knee pain can be treated through a proper strength program.

For the knee specifically, focus on strengthening your posterior chain (primarily hamstring and glutes). This will help provide the stability at the knee to avoid pain and prevent injuries at the knee while performing our favorite winter activities.

2. Improving Our Movement Patterns

When we talk about movement patterning we are talking about how we coordinate movements to perform basic tasks (walking, bending, lifting etc). And the truth is if we aren’t coordinating our movements correctly we are placing undue stress at the knee that leads to pain and can contribute to a more serious injury.

Practicing our hinging, squatting, and lunging in the gym (or clinic) will ensure that we are properly loading the knee when we’re out on the slopes - thus avoiding knee pain and injury.

3. Voodoo Floss

One of our favorite techniques for treating and overcoming knee pain is using a mobility band or ‘voodoo floss’ to help tissues heal and to manage pain. It involves using an elastic band to wrap the knee while taking it through it’s full range of motion. You can learn more about voodoo flossing from our previous article you can find here: Voodoo Floss

As you can see - the keys to overcome knee pain often require a full body approach (vs. isolating the knee). Improving strength and movement patterns not only protects your knee, but your low back and is the reason we provide EVERY client with a movement a strength program in combination with their therapy. If you have questions about your specific case - apply to talk with one of our doctors for free.

Evolve Performance Healthcare specializing in helping adults keep active and strong so they can continue to enjoy all their favorite activities without the use of pain meds or endless doctor visits.

If you have questions about your specific case - schedule a time to speak with one of our specialists for free