Top Three Causes of Joint Pain and Arthritis - What Your Doctor's Aren't Telling You


Joint pain and arthritis are a major concern for adults as they age. Waking up each morning with stiff and achy joints creates frustration and worry about what would happen if it were to get worse. A trip to most traditional doctors usually lead to recommendations of pills, injections, endless visits, or even surgery - without ever mentioning the most common causes of joint pain and arthritis in adults aged 40+. This leads to more pain, higher costs, and most importantly…a life limited by arthritis and joint pain.

In this weeks article we look at the top three causes of joint pain and arthritis that are most commonly left out of traditional medicine. By improving these three things you can save yourself from years of pain and dysfunction.

1. Movement Patterns (How We Move)

How you coordinate movements to perform basic tasks like sit, stand, bend forward, lift, etc. all impact how much impact goes into your joints. Improper movement places more force on our joints which, over time, leads to pain that keeps us from being as active as we would like.

Understanding how to hinge, lift, squat, sit to stand will save you from YEARS of joint pain and worsening arthritis and needs to be taught in every doctor’s office in the country.

2. Mobility (How Much Movement We Have)

Flexibility and mobility also contribute to joint pain and arthritis. Both directly, by decreasing our ability to absorb impact of each step or movement we make (causing more impact on our joints). Or indirectly, by causing movement compensations, that lead to more force on our joints. Your body is smart…if you’re too tight in one area, your body will find that range of motion somewhere else

Improving joint mobility and flexibility lowers the impact on our joints prevents joint pain and arthritis.

3. Strength (How Well We Can Control Movement)

Our body needs to be strong enough to support our lifestyle. When our muscular stabilizers fail to do their job, all the force will go to our more passive stabilizers (like our joints) which, over time, lead to pain and arthritis. We lose muscle mass as we age. Which means if we’re not actively building strength - we’re passively losing it. Which is why strength training is absolutely required to limit joint pain and slow arthritis.

At Evolve Performance Healthcare we specialize in helping adults keep active, strong and doing what they love - even when nothing else has worked. If you’re worried about what would happen if your arthritis and joint pain were to get worse…set up a time to speak with one of our sciatic pain specialists by calling (503) 954-2495.

Worried that if your joint pain got worse it will force you to miss out? Dr. Baird wrote the book on how to keep active - regardless of age.

Grab your copy at the link below….

We help adults aged 40+ keep active, strong, and doing what they love - even when nothing else has worked. Would you like to speak to one of our joint pain and arthritis specialists?

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