The Top Three Strength Exercises Every Adult Should Master For Less Back, Knee, and Joint Pain


Building strength is THE most important thing adults aged 40+ can do to live with less joint pain and maintain their ability to do what they love (among a host of other health benefits). It’s also something that most doctor’s offices leave out of their treatment plans. If you are new to strength training it’s hard to know where to start. Which is why in this week’s article we look at the top three strength exercises adults aged 40+ should master for less joint pain and better confidence in their ability to do what they love.

1 . The Deadlift

Building strength in the glutes and hamstrings is the absolute best thing you can do to live with less back, knee and joint pain and get back to enjoying your favorite activities. The deadlift is the most effective exercise to build hamstring and glute strength while improving a functional movement pattern that you use every day (bending forward, lifting things off the ground). This combo will take pressure off your joints and save you from YEARS of pain and dysfunction. Watch the video below to learn the basics.


2. Loaded Squats

The squat is a great full body exercise to improve mobility and build strength. You can drastically improve the effectiveness of the squat by adding weight (either holding the weight in front like a Goblet Squat, or placing weight on the shoulders with a barbell). Both ways improve motor recruitment for better functional core strength, improved bone density and decrease osteoporosis, and less stress on your joints during your daily routine. Plus, it feels great!

Before adding weight, it’s important to get the form down right with the air squat…which we discuss in the video below.


3. Loaded Carries

It doesn’t get easier than lifting up something heavy and walking with it. The benefits of adding loaded carries to your routine include improved core engagement, improved bone density and decrease osteoporosis, and less stress on your joints during your daily routine.

As is true with any exercise, there are a few things to keep in mind to keep tension in your muscles and off of your joints. Watch the video below to learn more.


Their are SO MANY benefits of strength training that go beyond pain including better sleep, better moods, better balance, less stress, better immune system function, and even better overall mortality. I can guarantee if you include the three exercises into your exercise routine you will begin to see benefits that you didn’t even know were possible. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

At Evolve Performance Healthcare, we specialize in helping adults build the strength and confidence to live active, healthy, and happy lives. If you’re ready to get stronger but unsure where to start or nervous because of pain and injuries…please choose the best option for you to set up a time to speak to one of our specialists and see if we can help.