Three Causes of Shoulder Pain Your Doctor, Physical Therapist, and Chiropractor May Have Missed


If you’ve seen your doctor for shoulder pain they most likely only offered rest, pills, injections, or surgeries. All can help with symptoms without treating root causes. Traditional physical therapy will often only focus on healing and strengthening the injured muscle - ignoring other contributing factors and almost guaranteeing that the pain comes back when you get back to your normal activities.

What if I was to tell you there may be something causing your shoulder pain that your doctor hasn’t told you about?

In this week’s article we’ll be looking at three causes of shoulder pain that are commonly overlooked by your doctor, physical therapist, and chiropractor, and we’ll explain while your shoulder pain just won’t go away.

  1. Stiff Mid Back

    The shoulder is closely linked with our mid back (or thoracic spine). Many people with shoulder pain also show a lack of movement in their mid back. A lack of movement in our mid back will lead to a lack of shoulder range of motion (see image to the right). And a lack of shoulder range of motion will lead to abnormal forces being put through our shoulder when we do basic movements like pushing, pulling, or reaching. These get even worse when we start to add weight (like in our favorite gym class).

    Improving mid back mobility is REQUIRED to overcome shoulder pain.

  2. Muscle Imbalances

    Muscle imbalance in our shoulder, chest, and upper back is most common cause of repeated irritation in structures of the shoulder like our bicep’s tendon, subscap tendon, and rotator cuff. Correcting these imbalances through consistent and progressive strengthening programming is 100% necessary to overcome shoulder pain while avoiding injections and surgery.

  3. Shoulder Blade Movement

    How well does your shoulder blade move over your rib cage? How well can you control this important, and subtle, movement. An inability to move and control your shoulder blade leads to poor movement of the entire shoulder and more irritation on the muscles and tendons of the shoulder.

The shoulder joint is one of the most complex joints in the body. Overcoming shoulder pain and getting back to your daily activities requires a deeper look and custom program that’s tailored to you and your goals. If you have questions about if we can help your specific case, set up a time to speak with one of our specialists.

Are you worried you may need injections or surgery for your shoulder pain? Download our free report to learn the best exercises to get rid of shoulder pain and avoid costly surgery.

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We Help Adults 40+ Build The Strength And Confidence To Put An End to Shoulder Pain So They Can Continue to What They Love - Without The Use of Pain Pills, Injections or Surgery.

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