FREE Fitness Taster Request

Wanting to try one of our fitness services but not sure where to start?

Improving movement patterns and building strength not only helps you feel better as you move throughout your day, but it can also help to ease and prevent common back pain.

This 30-min FREE Fitness Taster is a chance for you to meet with one of our pain free fitness instructors and determine for yourself if we're the best people to help you.

We'll look at your movement and strength, give you a "taste" of what it's like to work in our classes, and help you figure out which one of our programs is best for you to start with.

  1. Fill out this quick form

  2. Submit your information

  3. We'll contact you right away to ask a few more questions and get you scheduled!

Submit your information below to request your FREE Fitness Taster session.

**Serious inquires only please - we get several requests per day and only have room for one or two per week**