Three Often Overlooked Causes of Knee Pain

When you have knee pain, If your doctor is only looking at your knee there is a problem!

Summer weather means more opportunities for hiking, biking, running and walking! An unfortunate side effect of more fun summer activities can be more knee pain for some individuals. We’ve worked with 100’s of individuals struggling with knee pain get back to their favorite activities and I can say with 100% certainty that any (non-traumatic) cause of knee pain can be attributed to a problem elsewhere in the body. Today we’ll discuss three of the more common things to look at to finally find a solution to your knee pain.

1. Stiff Ankles and Feet

Our feet and ankles are our foundation. When our ankles and feet are stiff, our body won’t be able to absorb the impact of the ground as well as we would like. This leads to more of that force from the ground being transferred to our knee and contributing to the amount of knee pain we experience.

2. Weakness in Our Hips

Movement at the knee is predominantly controlled by our muscles at the hip.  If our hip muscles are weak, we will have less control of the amount of movement that takes place at the knee. Overtime this will lead to more pain and injury.

3. How We Move

The term movement patterning refers to how we coordinate movement to perform basic activities like walking, sitting, lifting, lunging etc. If we aren’t coordinating our daily movements properly (which is very common in individuals over 40), we will be putting more force at the knee and contributing to things like pain, arthritis, and degeneration.

If you’re dealing with knee pain it’s important to have to assess and treat these three areas to get you the solution you are looking for. If you’re looking for help with knee pain or have any questions about the information above, please call the clinic at (503)954-2495

We Specialize In Putting A Stop To Irritating Knee Pain So You Can Continue To Do What You Love - Without The Use of Pain Pills, Injections or Surgery

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